19-20 March 2024
Jasionka near Rzeszów
The Convention and Exhibition Centre of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship G2A Arena
European Agricultural Forum
The most important event in the agri-food sector.
March 2024
The Convention and Exhibition Centre of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship G2A Arena
Jasionka 953
The most important event in the agri-food sector.
The most important event in the agri-food sector.
At the Forum, during discussion panels, debates and open events, leaders and representatives of agricultural community and industry associations, outstanding experts, authorities from the world of science, representatives of business as well as Polish and international politics talk about the most important issues for the agri-food sector in the face of the constantly changing economy and geopolitical situation.
The Forum is also an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest solutions and tools for enhancing the quality of agricultural production, innovations in agriculture and trade on the agri-food market that will be presented in the exhibition area. Each year, the Forum attracts nearly 3000 participants – agrarians, agricultural advisers, producers and processors, members of professional agricultural associations, representatives of Polish and international politics and local government units as well as scientific and professional institutions from all over Europe.
Europejskie Forum Rolnicze to reprezentatywne i otwarte forum debaty obejmujące najważniejsze i najbardziej aktualne zagadnienia dotyczące przyszłości sektora rolno-spożywczego. Obszary tematyczne VI edycji Forum zostały nakreślone poprzez aktualną sytuację geopolityczna, klimatyczną i gospodarczą, która będzie kształtować najbliższą przyszłość rolników w Polsce, w Unii Europejskiej i na świecie.
In 2024, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of our membership in the European Union. This is a perfect opportunity to sum up and consider how the Polish countryside has changed since then.
The European Agricultural Forum is the most important event in the agri-food sector, which has been held annually since 2018. The meeting is an extension of the formula of the international agricultural conference organised by the EFRWP Foundation since 2011 in Jasionka near Rzeszów. During the event with the participation of representatives of the agrarian community as well as Polish and international politics, the most current issues regarding the prospects for agriculture in the European Union are discussed. The conference is accompanied by debates and thematic panels with the participation of experts, scientists, producers and suppliers of the latest technologies in the agricultural sector.