European Agricultural Forum
2 dni, 50 panelistów, ponad 60 wystawców i 3000 uczestników w danich 19-20 marca 2024 odbyła się VI edycja Europejskiego Forum Rolniczego.
European Agricultural Forum
The European Agricultural Forum has returned to Jasionka. On 22-23 March 2023, the most important event in the agri-food industry took place at the G2A Arena Exhibition and Congress Centre of the Voivodeship of Podkarpackie.
European Agricultural Forum
The next edition of the Forum took place on June 30, 2023 in Warsaw.
EU Agro-Trade Platform
In 2021, instead of traditional meetings, the organizers of the European Agricultural Forum provided a platform for networking and exchanging experiences for representatives of the agri-food industry - EU Agro-Trade Platform. The virtual business meetings were accompanied by webinars on current issues related to the competitiveness of agri-food production and international exchange of goods.
European Agricultural Forum
The second edition of the Forum,which was held in March 2019, attracted nearly 3000 participants – agrarians, agricultural advisers, producers and processors, members of professional agricultural associations, representatives of local government units as well as scientific and professional institutions from all over Europe.
European Agricultural Forum
Two days, seven debates and discussion panels, 30 speakers, nearly 2000 participants - the European Agricultural Forum took place on 23-24 March in Jasionka near Rzeszów. It is one of the most important agricultural events in this part of Europe. The leading themes of the Forum were the shape of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020 and the role of innovation in modern agriculture.